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Presselite Co-Founder is named as one of 100 key French developers
Michel Morcos, Presselite Co-Founder, has been named in
Tariq Krim report for the French government: "
Les développeurs, un atout pour la France" (Developers are a key asset for France), as one of 100 key French developers in the world, recognized for their achievements. Tariq Krim is using those examples as an illustration of how the French developer community are helping French companies to get a more central place in the global economy.
Métro Paris is ready for iOS7
Our app Métro Paris was just announced as one of the Top 10 All-Time Paid Apps for iPhone in France.
Apple has contacted us today to tell us that our application
Métro Paris is one of the Top 10 All-Time Paid Apps for iPhone in France! It is really great news and we are very proud that so many users love our app and find it useful everyday. You can download
Métro Paris here :
Samsung Party in Paris
Samsung has invited us to Samsung Galaxy S4 launch party in Paris. We have been able to try the Galaxy S4 again, it's definitely a great phone with a lot of features in it. What we like the most? The screen!
Samsung Galaxy S4 Event in NYC
This week, Samsung has invited us to Samsung Unpacked 2013 event in New York City. The Samsung Galaxy S4 was unveiled for the first time, and we got the chance to try it. It's definitely a phone with a lot of power in it!.
Reportage de France 2 sur Presselite
Canal + TV Channel talks about Augmented Reality on mobile with Métro Paris!
Canal + French TV Channel has broadcasted yesterday a TV show (Pop Com) about Augmented Reality, and our application Métro Paris! Check it out.
Meeting with Apple and Google in Paris
This week, Apple and Google have both invited us to meet in Paris to talk about mobile development and advertising. Really nice talk! Here are some pics of Google France HQ.
I'm feeling lucky
Even the door has Google colors!
Presselite parle de la réalité augmentée dans Le Monde
Presselite parle de la réalité augmentée dans le journal Le Monde.
“Consistant à positionner des éléments virtuels sur une image réelle captée par une caméra, la réalité augmentée, développée à l'origine pour des besoins militaires et industriels, fait ses premiers pas sur smartphones, pour le grand public. D'abord pour aider l'utilisateur à se repérer dans l'espace urbain. Et d'autres usages devraient voir le jour.”
Our breakfast with French Minister Eric Besson
Today we had breakfast with Eric Besson, Minister of Industry, Energy and the Digital economy in France. It was a really great moment to share with Mr Besson some of our concerns as being a startup in France. Mr Besson should unveil his Digital project during November 2011. We would like to thank him and his team for inviting us.
Métro Paris for iPhone featured on + 5th most downloaded paid app in France!
Apple has announced that the App Store has reached 10 billion downloads today. We were very surprised to see that our application Métro Paris for iPhone has been featured on ! We are also very proud to announce that Métro Paris for iPhone is the 5th most downloaded paid app of all time in France, according to Apple.
London Tube for iPad featured at Apple Store Covent Garden & Regent Street London
The new Apple Store Covent Garden in London (the biggest one in the world) has opened its doors a few days ago, and we had the chance to visit it. We were quite surprised to see that our application London Tube for iPad is featured and demoed there. Give it a try if you can!
Métro Paris sur iPhone est l'application de la semaine sur iTunes !
Métro Paris sur iPhone est l'application de la semaine sur iTunes !
Interview dans le magazine L'Ordinateur Individuel
La dernière édition du magazine L'Ordinateur Individuel sortie aujourd'hui propose sur une double page une interview de Presselite très intéressante que nous vous invitons à lire !
Le Point magazine parle de Métro Paris sur iPhone
Aujourd'hui est sortie la dernière édition du magazine Le Point dans les kiosques. La rédaction du magazine a consacré une partie de son article intitulé “Les millionnaires de l'iPhone” au succès de l'application Métro Paris sur iPhone !
Interview dans le magazine Phone Life
La dernière édition du magazine Phone Life publie une interview dans laquelle nous parlons de la réalité augmentée.
Métro Paris : 1er prix du Jury aux App Awards 2010 lors du Le Mobile 2.0 !
L'application Métro Paris vient de remporter le 1er prix du Jury aux App Awards 2010 lors du Le Mobile 2.0 ! A cette occasion, Cédric Ingrand de LCI nous a interviewé pour son émission Plein Ecran que vous pouvez visionner ci-dessous.
Our Augmented Reality presentation at Mobile World Congress
Mobile Monday has invited us to present our work on Augmented Reality on mobile during Mobile World Congress 2010 in Barcelona a few days ago. We were really pleased to show some of our Augmented Reality apps to the visitors on UBIFRANCE booth! Here are some photos.
La Tribune French Newspaper talks about Métro Paris and Augmented Reality
La Tribune French Financial Newspaper talks about Métro Paris and Augmented Reality new technology in its Saturday edition #4357.
“L'application Métro Paris sur l'iPhone donne un bon aperçu des possibilités de cette technologie. L'utilisateur braque son smartphone sur la place de l'Opéra à Paris : en surimpression de l'image à l'écran apparaissent des panneaux indiquant toutes les stations de métro, de taxis ou des restaurants à proximité.” La Tribune.
Métro Paris featured in Apple Store Paris Louvre
The first French Apple Store has opened its door in Paris Louvre a few days ago, and it rocks. We are quite suprised and happy to see that our application Métro Paris for the iPhone is featured (demo and ad) in the store!
Le Journal du Net décerne le trophée de La Meilleure Application iPhone 2009 à Métro Paris !
Benchmark Group et Le Journal du Net ont décerné hier les trophées de l'érgonomie lors d'une cérémonie organisée à Paris, Métro Paris a obtenu le trophée de La Meilleure Application iPhone 2009, aux côtés de Danone (Meilleur site corporate) et Samsung (Meilleur site de marque) ! Cela nous fait vraiment plaisir.
La Matinale sur Canal + parle de la réalité augmentée avec Métro Paris.
French TV Channel Canal + has made a small coverage about Augmented Reality, and they talked about our application Métro Paris for the iPhone 3GS. Check out the video.
Apple VIP Party in Paris!
Apple Europe invited us to its VIP Party yesterday in Paris, to celebrate the iPhone 3GS launch. Here are some photos of this very special event which took place near the Eiffel Tower, in Apple's new HQ. La classe. Apple announced first Apple Store in Paris in Louvre by the end of the year.